.....in search of the mediterranean goddess
My concept begins where life begins: namely water. Life emerges from the earth like a spring, moves like a river, and stands like a lake. It is at the same time in eternal calm and endless motion like the sea. Water is colourless but can take on all colours. It is considered the primordial ground and holds an inexhaustible reservoir of cultural symbolic worlds with religious, mythological, and philosophical interpretations.
Drawing is my passion. In different variations, I decompose the forms, transform them, by shifting the dimension or using only details. This transformation arises spontaneously when I transfer them to the paper, drawing ‘one thing after the other.’
Overlaying these drawings are real images taken while swimming in the sea between Malta and Gozo. When I swim, I am in a bubble and the familiar sounds of breathing out into the water, the bubbling, give me a feeling of security and safety. The steady movements of swimming create a flow, a kind of trance that I fall into over the course of the long swim. With these levels of sensation and representation, personal, imaginary images come to me during the long swim. I reject the usual conventional structures and go on in search of the Mediterranean deity.
........vom schwimmen im fluss
Über Wasser
Martina Tschernis Konzept beginnt dort, wo das Leben herkommt,
nämlich aus dem Wasser. Es tritt aus der Erde als Quelle, bewegt
sich als Fluss, steht als See, ist zugleich in ewiger Ruhe und endloser
Bewegtheit als Meer. Wasser verwandelt sich, steigt auf, fällt
abwärts oder fliegt als Wolke über unsere Köpfe hinweg, verwandelt
sich, befruchtet, spritzt rauscht, gurgelt, wirbelt, stürzt, rollt,
rieselt, zischt, tröpfelt und murmelt. Wasser ist farblos, aber kann
alle Farben annehmen, gilt als Urgrund und birgt ein unerschöpfliches
Reservoir kultureller Symbolwelten mit religiösen, mythologischen
und philosophischen Deutungen wie Hartmut Böhme schreibt.
Wasser steht für das Unbewusste, den Eros, die Träume und auch
für die Zeit, denn man steigt nicht zweimal in denselben Fluss
sagt Heraklit; bei Goethe heißt es...........
weiterlesen? unter texte | Über Wasser
......vom schwimmen im fluss | Teil 1 | bv martina tscherni | 2022 | mp 4 | 10 min
...... vom schwimmen im fluss | Teil 2 | bv martina tscherni, @george casbah | 2022 | mp 4 | 9:47
.....also schwimme ich | Videoinstallation | Projektion auf Zeichnung | 98 x 180 cm | Video Mp4
stills aus "Frau Hitt fliegt",
Frau Hitt fliegt | animation movie
by martina tscherni | mp 4 | 43sec
stills aus "kryokonite" - animierte rollenzeichnung; dauer 10 min; sound max arnold
Cryoconit | animation movie
by martina tscherni | mp 4 | 10min | sound max arnold
Cryoconite is powdery windblown dust made of a combination of small rock particles, soot and microbes which is deposited and builds up on snow, glaciers, or ice caps. The darkening, especially from small amounts of soot, absorbs solar radiation melting the snow or ice beneath the deposit, and sometimes creating a cryoconite hole. Cryoconite may contain dust from far away continental deserts or farmland, particles from volcanic eruptions or power plant emissions, and soot.
For the animaton movie I use serveral layers of style - the far eastern tradition of role models, the graphic depiction of organic and herbal microorganisms common in natural sciences of the 19th century, and scientific microscopic pictures of algae, ciliates and water bears. In slow motion subtle sketches of textures of algae and other shapes are scrolling across the screen backed by scientific microscopic pictures. While I took a lot of time for my acurate sketches, the recipient soon perceives eagerness. Subtle transformations are illustrated by slow movement; a chronological sequence is reproducing itself, like a sequence being indicated by deglaciation only representing a different dimension of time.
stills aus "meta morph" - animierte rollenzeichnung; dauer 15min
meta morph - animierte rollenzeichnung; dauer 15min; ohne ton
meta morph | animation movie
by martina tscherni | mp 4 | 16 min
The movie metamorph reports about a biomorphic world of forms, which continuosly is slightly changing. In slow motion acute sketches of forms like calcareous sponges or moss animals are scrolling across the screen. Yet now and then, - in the beginning all of a sudden, but later on waiting for it – one of these animalcules brakes ranks, hops, sparkles, vibrates, floates, drops into the void or is abruptly duplicating itself. By the slow motion oft he pictures a nonverbal communication arises between myself and the recipients intensified by minimal irritations.